Friday, September 27, 2013

Blind Man Climbs Mt. Everest: Feel Inspired?

            May 25 2001, seeming to be any typical day across the globe. Children are finishing up their last days of school for the year, spring is in full effect, and a man by the name of Erik Weihenmayer is in the midst of the most rigorous adventure anyone could imagine. This is the day that said heroic blind man reaches the top of the eminent Mount Everest. Erik lost his vision at the hard-enough age of 13. Despite losing what is perhaps the most vital sense to human beings, Erik does not let anything get in his way of living the exhilarating and fulfilling life he had always dreamed to live.  Since his glorious feat of his Mount Everest climb, he has been granted many awards, and has been featured on his own reality show aired on ABC, “Expedition Impossible.” Aside from mountain climbing, he is involved in paragliding, trail running, and skiing, letting not even perhaps anyone’s idea of toughest obstacle getting in his way.               
            If this man can do the unthinkable, while being blind at the same time, only because he had hope, imagine what you could do. Imagine all of the places you could see. Imagine the pride you could feel in yourself for overcoming some of the world’s greatest plunges. I’m not saying go climb Mount Everest, I’m simply saying, while taking Erik Weihenmayer for example, anything is possible with the right amount of hope and belief. 
      Everything you could want to know about Erik Weihenmayer you can find on his own personal website: 

Inspiration, Imagination; and My Life.

   What could be a better feeling than your body being overwhelmed with complete inspiration? I’d say, close to nothing. Everything you do in life requires the right amount of inspiration, or in some cases, motivation, and just the right amount of imagination to get a task done. In this blog, I will include stories I have come across, and even some of my own, really , simply things I wish to share with you, my mature audience. If you’re feeling down, or un-inspired, scroll through my posts, and hopefully you will find something to lift your mood right off the ground. Get inspired. Use your imagination.Through these posts, I hope to show you how I can let the simplest things inspire me. The first things that come to mind are music, nature, and art. These three areas that are of great interest in my personal life will be reoccurring themes throughout the length that my blog shall extend. Maybe we can together decide if I'm crazy, or a pretty normal guy. Comment and let me know your thoughts on what drives me to inspiration could drive you as well. 
